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- Economics of Governance. The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics (edited), Edward Elgar, 2017.
- Oxford Handbook of Political Economy. Co-edited with Barry Weingast, Oxford University Press, 2006.
- Translated into Chinese (forthcoming)
- Economic Foundations of Law and Organization, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
- Readings in the Economic Analysis of Law. (edited) Blackwell, 2003.
- Translated into Chinese by Li Su, 2006, Law Press China
- The Myth of Democratic Failure: Why Political Institutions are Efficient, University of Chicago Press, 1995.
- “American Political Science Association: Best Book or Article in Political Economy-1994, 1995 or 1996” Translated into Portuguese by Alvaro de Sa and Renata E. A. de Lima.
- O Mito do Fracas da Democracia, Bertrand Brasil, 1999.
- Translated into Japanese by Katsuyoshi Okui 2003.
- The Federalist Papers: The New institutionalism and the Old, co-edited with B.Grofman, Agathon Press, 1989
Articles in Journals
- “The University of California Was Wrong to Abolish the SAT: Admissions When Affirmative Action Was Banned,” Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 2024.
- “District vs At-Large Voting: When district voting results in worse policy for minorities,” European Journal of Political Economy, 2024.
- “Average Rank and Adjusted Rank are better Measures of College Success than is GPA,” Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, Winter 2022.
- “Darwinian Depression” Journal of Affective Disorders, October 2014.
- “Strategic Behavior and Organizational Structure in Religions” British Journal of Political Science, October 2014. Reprinted in Economics of Governance
- “How pressure groups activate voters and move candidates closer to the median” Economic Journal, (2009). Reprinted in Economics of Governance
- “Bargaining in the shadow of war: when is a peaceful resolution most likely?” American Journal of Political Science 53:588-602, 2009.
- “Why Theory Choosing is better than Hypothesis Testing” Homo Oeconomicus, 543-549. ( 2009).
- “Is Status-quo bias consistent with downward sloping demand curves?” Economic Inquiry, 46: 283-288, (2008).
- “Targeted information and strategic behavior by uninformed voters” Economics of Governance, 9:87-100. (2008).
- “Candidate quality, pressure group endorsements and the nature of political advertising” European Journal of Political Economy, 23: 360-378, (2007).
- “Litigation with two-sided incomplete information and symmetric bargaining” Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 23: 98-126, (2007).
- “The Power and the glory of the median voter: Reply to Caplan” Economic Journal Watch, (2005).
- “On the methodology of testing for voter irrationality: A response to ‘From Friedman to Wittman'” Economic Journal Watch, 2005.
- “The Internal Organization of the Family: Economic Analysis and Psychological Advice Kyklos, 2005. Reprinted in Economics of Governance
- “Valence Characteristics, Costly Policy and the Median-Crossing Property: A Diagrammatic Exposition” Public Choice, (2005).
- “Lay Juries, Professional Arbitrators and the Arbitrator Selection Hypothesis,”American Law and Economic Review, (2003)
- “Implementation with Partial Verification,” with Nirvikar Singh, Review of Economic Design, 63-84 (2001)
- “Contests Where There is Variation in the Size of Effort,”with Nirvikar Singh, Economic Theory, 711-744 (2001).
- “The Size and Wealth of Nations,” Journal of Conflict Resolution, 868-884 (2000).
- “Learning Liability Rules,” with D. Friedman, S. Crevier and A. Braskin, Journal of Legal Studies,145-164 (1997)
- “Why Voters Vote for Incumbents but Against Incumbency: A Rational Choice Explanation,” with D. Friedman, Journal of Public Economics, 67-83 (1995)
- “Nash Equilibrium vs. Maximin: A Comparative Game Statics Analysis,” European Journal of Political Economy, (1993) Reprinted in Donald A Walker (Ed.) Equilibrium. Edgar Elgar Publishers, 2000.
- “Nations and States: Mergers and Acquisitions; Dissolutions and Divorce,” American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings (1991).
- “Arms Control and other Games Involving Imperfect Detection,”American Political Science Review, 923-948 (1989)
- “Why Democracies are Efficient,” Journal of Political Economy, 1395-1424 (1989). Reprinted in C. Rowley (ed.) Public Choice Theory, Edward Elgar Publisher (1993).
- “Pressure Group Size and the Politics of Income Redistribution,” Social Choice and Welfare, 275-286 (1989)
- “Dispute Resolution and the Selection of Cases for Trial: A Study of the Generation of Biased and Unbiased Data,” Journal of Legal Studies, 313-352 (1988).
- “Economic Contests with Incomplete Information and Optimal Contest Design,” with Nirvikar Singh, 34 Management Science, 528-540 (1988).
- “Final Offer Arbitration,” Management Science, 1551-1561 (1986)
- “The Price of Negligence,” Journal of Law and Economics, 151-163 (1986)
- “Counter-intuitive Results in Game Theory,” European Journal of Political Economy, 77-89 (1985).
- “Should Compensation be Based on Cost or Benefit?” International Review of Law and Economics, 173-185 (1985).
- “Pigovian Taxes which Work in the Small Number Case,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,144-154 (1985).
- “Is the Selection of Cases for Trial Biased?” Journal of Legal Studies, 185-214 (1985).
- “Multicandidate Equilibria,” Public Choice, 287-291 (1984).
- “The Geometry of Justice,” Theory and Decision, 239-250 (1984).
- “Liability for Harm or Restitution for Benefit?” Journal of Legal Studies, 57-80 (1984).
- “Candidate Motivation: A Synthesis,” American Political Science Review, 142-157 (1983).
- “A Comparison of Regulation and Liability Rules Under Imperfect Information,” with M. White, Journal of Legal Studies, 413-426 (1983). Reprinted in Kathleen Segerson (ed.) Economics and Liability for Environmental Problems, Ashgate Publishing,
- “The Peak Income Hypothesis: An Econometric Reinvestigation’ Review of Economics and Statistics, 357-360 (1983)
- “Pollution Taxes and Optimal Spatial Location,” with M. White, Economica, 297-311 (1982).
- “Efficient Rules of Thumb in Highway Safety and Sporting Activity,”American Economic Review, 78-90 (1982) Reprinted in D. Wittman (ed.) Readings in the Economic Analysis of Law, Blackwell, 2003.
- “Nonmyopic Equilibria in 2×2 Games,” with S. Brams, Conflict Management and Peace Science, 39-62 (1981).
- “Optimal Pricing of Sequential Inputs: Last Clear Chance, Mitigation of Damages and Related Doctrines in the Law,” Journal of Legal Studies, 65-91 (1981)
- “Optimal Spatial Location Under Pollution: Liability Rules and Zoning, with M. White, Journal of Legal Studies,249-268 (1981).
- “First Come, First Served: An Economic Analysis of Coming to the Nuisance,” Journal of Legal Studies, 557-568 (1980).
- “A Diagrammatic Exposition of Justice,” Theory and Decision, 207-237 (1979).
- “How a War Ends,” Journal of Conflict Resolution, 743-763 (1979). Reprinted in Keith Hartley and Todd Sandler (eds.)Economics of Conflict, Elgar (2003)
- “Candidates with Policy Preferences: A Dynamic Model,” Journal of Economic Theory, 180-189 (1977).
- “Prior Regulation vs. Post Liability: The Choice Between Input and Output Monitoring,” Journal of Legal Studies, 193-211 (1977).
- “Estimating Voter Participation,” by D. Ashenfelter and S. Kelley, comment. Journal of Law and Economics, 735-741 (1976).
- “The Politics of Medical Inflation,” (with T. Marmor and T. Heagy), Journal of Health Politics and Law, (1976).
- Reprinted in Ingeborg Mauksch (ed.), National Health Insurance(1979).
- Reprinted in Theodore Marmor, Jon Christianson, Health Care Policy: A Political Economy Approach, Sage, (1982).
- “Various Concepts of Power: Equivalence Among Ostensibly Unrelated Approaches,” British Journal of Political Science, 29-462 (1976).
- “Punishment as Retribution,” Theory and Decision, 209-237 (1974).
- “Two Views of Procedure,” Journal of Legal Studies, 249-256 (1974).
- “Optimal Cheating and Control,” with C. Nichols, Public Choice, (1973).
- “Parties as Utility Maximizers,” American Political Science Review, 490 -498 (1973).
- Spanish translation, “Los Partidos, Como Maximizadores de Utilidad” in Joaquin Velasco del Mazo (ed.), Democracia y Economia Politica, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, Madrid, 1980.
Chapters in Books
- “Ex Ante vs Ex Post” in Francesco Parisi (ed.)Oxford Handbook of Law and Economics. 2017.
- “The end of special interests theory and the beginning of a more positive view of democratic politics” in E. Balleisen and D. Moss (eds.) Toward a New Theory of Regulation, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
- “Theocracy and the evolution of morals” In: Ferrero, M., Wintrobe, R. (eds) The Political Economy of Theocracy. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. 2008
- “The power to propose versus the power to oppose.” In Braham and Steffan (eds) Power, Freedom and Voting, Springer 2008
- “Hobbes and the Political Economy of Power.” In Gosselin and Marciano (eds.) Democracy, Freedom and Coercion, 2007.
- “The Reach of Political Economy” with Barry Weingast in Weingast and Wittman (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, 2006.
- Reprinted in Robert Goodin (ed.) Handbook of Political Science. Oxford. 2009.
- “Pressure Groups and Uninformed Voters,” Encyclopedia of Public Choice, Charles Rowley and Fritz Schneider (eds.) Kluwer, 2004.
- “Efficiency of Democracy,” Encyclopedia of Public Choice, Charles Rowley and Fritz Schneider (eds.) Kluwer, 2004.
- “Public Finance without Guilt: Why Normative Public Finance is Positive Public Finance,” in Political Economy and Public Finance. S. Winer and H. Shibata (eds.) Edgar Elgar, 2003.
- “Comment on William Niskanen, ‘On the origin and identification of government failure’,” in Political Economy and Public Finance, S. Winer and H. Shibata (eds.) Edgar Elgar, 2003.’
- “When does Altruism Overcome the Intransitivity of Income Distribution?” in Rational Foundations of Democratic Politics, Albert Breton et. al. (eds.) Cambridge University Press, 2003.
- “General Structure of the Law” in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Edward Elgar Press, 2000.
- “Political Parties, Pressure Groups, and Democracy: A Transaction Cost Theory of Political Institutions” in Samuel Bowles, Maurizio Francine and Ugo Pagano (eds.) The Politics and Economics of Power. Routledge, 1999.
- “Contest Design and the Objective of the Contest Designer,” co-authored with N.r Singh in M. Baye (ed.) Advances in Applied Microeconomics,Volume 7, Greenwich, CT, 1998.
- “Last Clear Chance” in The New Palsgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, Macmillan, 1998.
- “Coming to the Nuisance” in The New Palsgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, Macmillan, 1998.
- Reprinted in D. Wittman (ed.) Readings in the Economic Analysis of Law, Blackwell, 2003.
- “The Good Samaritan Rule” in The New Palsgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, Macmillan, 1998.
- “Liability for Harm versus Restitution for Benefit” in The New Palsgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, Macmillan, 1998.
- “Term Limits as Political Redistribution” with Daniel Friedman in B. Grofman (ed.) Legislative Term Limits: A Public Choice Perspective, Kluwer (1996)
- “Contrasting Economic and Psychological Analyses of Political Choice: An Economist’s Perspective on Why Cognitive Psychology does not Explain Democratic Politics” in Kristen Monroe (ed.) The Economic Approach to Politics, Harper Collins (1991)
- “Spatial Strategies when Candidates have Policy Preferences,” in J. Enelow and M. Hinich (eds.) Readings in the Spatial Theory of Voting, Cambridge University Press (1990).
- “An Economic Analysis of the Federalist Papers: The Constitution as an Optimal Social Contract,” in B. Grofman and D. Wittman (eds.) The Federalist Papers: The New Institutionalism and the Old, Agathon Press, 1989.
- “Elections with N Voters, M Candidates and K Issues,” in M. Holler (ed.) The Logic of Multiparty Systems Kluwer (1987)
- “Markets as Poolers of Information,” in B. Grofman and G. Owen (eds.) Information Pooling and Group Decision Making, JAI Press 1986.
- “A Priori Probabilities of Coalition Formation and Power Measurement,” in Manfred Holler, (Ed.) Coalition and Collective Action, Physics-Verlag, 1984.
- “Zoning May Be No Worse Than its Alternatives,” with R. Grieson in R. Grieson, (Ed.), Housing and Urban Economics, Lexington Heath, 1982.
- “Power in Ideological Space,” in M. Holler (ed.), Power, Voting, and Voting Power, Physica-Verlag, 1982.
- “Equivalent Concepts of Power,” in M. Holler (ed.), Power, Voting, and Voting Power, Physica-Verlag, 1982.
- “Short Run vs. Long Run Solutions to Spatial Externalities,” with M. White, in D. Rubenfeld (Ed.), Law and Economics of Local Government, Urban Institute 1980.
- “Power in Electoral Games,” in C.A. Hooker (Ed.), Foundations of Decision Theory, Reidel, 1978.
- “Politics, Public Policy and Medical Inflation,” with T. Marmor and T. Heagy, in Michael Zubkoff (ed.), Health Care Inflation, Milbank Memorial Fund, 1976.
- “Political Decision Making,” in Robert D. Leiter, Gerald Sirkin (Eds.), Economics of Public Choice, Cyrco Press, 1975.
- “What is Wrong with Phelps’s Analysis of the West’s Economies?” Homo Oeconomicus (2016) 33: 51
- “The Myth of the Rational Voter?” Critical Review, 2008.
- “Mancur Olson. Power and Prosperity: Outgrowing Communist and Capitalist Dictatorships,” The Annals of Political and Social Sciences, 2000.
- “Albert Breton. Competitive Governments,” Southern Economic Journal, 1998.
- “William Keech. Economic Politics,” Governance, April 1996, 9:242-4.
- “Charles Wolf, Jr., Markets or Governments: Choosing between Imperfect Alternatives,” Public Choice, 1989.
- “Kenneth Boulding, The Economics of Love and Fear,” Public Choice, 1974.